Disembodied Animal Head Theatre

Bringing the arts and culture back to the internet in a dignified fashion.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Ho, Netizens!

Before we delight you with the next installment of Season Two, let's take a look back at the second episode of Season One:

It has been pointed out to me that Ophelia and Hamlet are not actually brother and sister. To those unctuous would-be scholars of the bard who dare correct my interpretation, I say get bent, thou froward crook-pated nut-hooks!

Laertes is clearly not a blood relation. Examine the difference of diction and syllabic distribution along the meter. Subtle, but it does the trick! And examine this passage:

Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,
Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven,
Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine,
Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads.
And recks not his own rede.

- Ophelia, from Act I sc 3

Clearly these are the words of a sister spoken to her brother! Good God! Do I have to write a dissertation on the subject?


-- Tex