An Update from Mr. Horne,
Producer of Disembodied Animal Head Theatre:
Hello, all you Wonderful People! Greetings to the Lovers of The Classics, and Salutations to all Lovers, Singers and Clowns! Hello and Hello again! Phillip Horne, here, producer of Disembodied Animal Head Theatre. Back in my childhood, as a spritely young calf frolicking on the range in Kenya, I happened to wander into a production of King Lear directed by that Wudermensch of Theatrical Magic, Peter Brook. My life was forever changed. As soon as I was old enough, I caught a container ship to England, and took up studies at University, eventually finding my way to the West End. As I neared retirement the urge to give back to society overwhelmed me, and so I began this fruitive endeavor of bringing The Classics alive via an ensemble cast of Disembodied Animal Heads, hosted by a Rubber Chicken!
Enough about me!
As Tex alluded to in his prior posting, there are Great Things Afoot here at DAHT! I am pleased to announce Our Plans for a New Disembodied Animal Head Theatre Studio and Cultural Complex!
Our current facility is to be razed early next week, and plans have been drafted for the new building! Here is a sneak look at what is ahead:

Oh, how facile our facility! Although rich with Hollywood History, this soundstage is anything but state-of-the-art. It's Better Days behind it, it is time for something new -- something exciting!
Now here's a Pretty Thing! Once completed, The New Complex will house all the Production Operations a programme of our size and scope demands, as well as providing a number of New Venues for Los Angeles Theatre! Hooray!
I am also pleased to announce that we have contracted the great Italian muralist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti to do the decorative trompe l'oeil for our foyer! Hurray! Mr. Buonarroti, I am told, has done some stupendous work in Italy. I look foward to reviewing his plans for our Modest Little Building!
(An image of Mr. Buonarroti is to the left. Ah, artists. Ask for a photograph, and they send a pencil drawing!)
Our tired, old computer system is soon to be replaced by a Brand-New, State-Of-The-Art Server, pictured below!
Absolutely Fantastic, No? I'm told that it is simply frightening, what this machine is capable of doing!
I will continue to update you as this project goes forward! It is truly an Exciting Time here at Disembodied Animal Head Theatre!
-- Phillip Horne
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